Thursday, March 31, 2011

Squiggly Wiggly

Hello hello!

Havent had time to do more japanese sketches lately, although i would like to participate to the charity book CFSL is making. All proceeds would go to help the victims of the tsunami :). I still have to make the drawing, although i dont even know if ill have time to do it -_-!! Too many deadlines, all falling around the same date.

Despite having a lot of work, went to the d&d and managed to produce this

Although there's a lot of nonsense in there, what happens when im tired i suppose. I begin to draw pokeballs and chairs with sexy legs as well as men with squiggly wiggly arms. Also drew Ratchet in there, that you might remember from my animation film Uno :). I've been thinking about her story a lot. Again, when i have more time i would like to write it down properly :)


Friday, March 18, 2011

Expensive boots

Most of my time i spend waiting for checks :>... that is the life of a freelancer *yay*. Because of that i need to plan my expenses very carefully! Like recently, i had to throw away my converse boots that ive had for nearly 4 years... loved these boots to death. Nothing lasts forever unfortunately. I have another pair of boots, but my new rocks arent always kind to me. If i walk long distances i get bad bruises on the back of my ankles. SO ive been window-shopping for boots, looking at stuff online. There's this one pair id love to have but i dont have the money for it, hopefully i will soon :>.

SO today's jap sketch is about this :). 'Yasukute kaou kashira' 'It's quite expensive, I wonder if i should buy it'

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Merveilleuse bday

Since Ika was away i was able to work on his bday present without fear of him seeing it :), which is good considering this stuff wasnt exactly easy to hide. My roommate was nice enough to cut up 37 tiny 2X2cm blocks for me so i could make a wooden pixel art character as a gift!

Stained all 37 blocks with acrylic, then glued them all together and voila!

I wasnt sure if i was going to be able to do this, since i needed cubes and didnt have the tools to actually cut them myself. This second gift was actually a backup gift hehe, but since my original idea worked out Ika now had two Merveilles presents :)! I still need to trim and polish the board :D, but you get the idea.

Monday, March 14, 2011

You reap what you sow

In light of all of the stupidities people have said about the disaster in japan, i decided to make an image with a Japanese proverb that basically resumes my feelings towards all this hatred.

'akuin akka' 'You reap what you sow'

Friday, March 11, 2011

Youre all in my heart

This is probably no news to anyone, but yes there was indeed a very bad earthquake in Japan today. I have some friends there right now, who i know are fine, but it breaks my heart to see houses being ravaged by tsunamis like that. Not that its more tragic because its in Japan, its tragic if it happens anywhere. I just have a lot of love for that country, so in a way it kinda hits home.

So today, my heart is with the people of japan

'anatatachi wa watashi no kokoro no naka ni iru' 'you're all in my heart'

Thursday, March 10, 2011

i know french

My illustrations for bayard are advancing well :), completed 10 out of 27! Had a bit of free time so i did another jap practice doodle!

'furansugo ga dekimasu' 'i know french'

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Drink & Draw march8th

Managed to do my japanese practice drawings yesterday at the d&d. Did two :).

'dare mo sono hanashi wo shiranai' 'No one knows that story'
'hon wo 1satsu kaimashita' 'I bought one book'

D&D attendees: P-RO, Yannis Panos, Steph Dumais and more+!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Its all about blending in!

My work these days mainly consists of superhero cards and children's books. It's cool, i love what im doing right now but for some reason im feel really tired today. I cant think, i have pudding for brains. I decided to just mess around in photoshop with this photo i had, repainted over it and added tons of stuff~. The result is interesting, i dont do stuff like this normally but it was nice! I dont let myself go often enough... :). Now my brain feels better.

Its aaaaall about blendin' in! Didnt have time to do a sketch to practice japanese, although its the d&d tonight and i will probably work on one there! :D!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Good good news!

I was very productive yesterday, managed to finish a drawing i started a while ago and also made a new one that i submitted to Fresh number 3. The deadline was today and found out about it very late, like always. I hope ill get in, its different from what i usually do but i liked the experience :).

Here is my japanese practice frame ;)... 'I have a lot of work in march' '3gatsu wa shigoto ga isogashii'

I also had an offer from another edition company for another book! So happy!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hurry up and wash your face!

Im studying japanese at the moment, and im always looking for new ways to practice. Because of work its not easy to find time to do this, so im trying to combine it with something i like... drawing :). A friend of mine is doing little quick comics to practice his korean, i thought it was a great idea and im now going to be doing the same with Japanese. Although it wont be a 'comic' really, just cute imagery. Who knows, if they are nice enough and i make a lot i may combine them into a book to sell to help me finance my upcoming trip :).

Here is the first of many more, i hope!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Drink &Draw: March 1st

Yesterday was our third d&d at Foonzo, a most awesome comic/game themed cafe. The staff is nice, they dont kick us out even if we stay long past closing time. I have a harder time drawing on paper these days, most of the stuff i do is digital. Going out to draw somewhere forces me to pick up old habits again, which i like :). I need more practice.

Here's what i managed to draw yesterday, yes this image is terrible. Im too lazy to scan this so i took a webcam pic of it, although i couldnt sleep and got up at 7h30 this morning and around 8-ish the sun creates annoyingly strong reflections in my screen. This is the result, my blind made an interesting texture... yesss.

This week's d&d attendees: P-RO, Alex Boyer, Eric Angelillo, Yannis Panos, Roz Stockton, Michel D. and more :>