Thursday, June 9, 2011

Air corgi

All moved into our new place! We dont have a couch and our closet is a wait. What i meant to say is our kitchen is a closet *nods*. At least its MY closet kitchen :D! We've had some adventures already me and ika, got caught in a bad thunderstorm yesterday while biking from papineau to atwater. Lets just say we got wet. A LOT. It's always nice to see other idiots like us riding outside and cutting through a heavy curtain of rain, especially those 2 girls on a scooter screaming and laughing hysterically on the road. Good times.

This week is definitely a week of NEW. I loved freelancing, but things change and i feel like working with people again :). So i got a full-time job which i start later this month, im very excited! Hope all goes well! It's especially exciting that it's a start-up company, being there at the beginning is quite something.

I managed to do this illustration last night, 'air corgi'. Love oversized animals, and i wont hide the fact that i thought of Appa while making this ;). Oh Appa, you cool thing you~


  1. Nyaw so cute *_* Love the picture. I love the images you guys posted of your new place, too! Looks like fun. Are you using photoshop to colour your stuff lately?

  2. Awesome! You're getting fast too! :D

  3. Sweet giant dog!

    Its really cool that you're gonna be part of something small, new and fresh, unlike me working for the evil big guy, haha!

  4. kina- still using photoshop :)... love EET!
    TanC- i dont now about fast haha, but i try
    Eric- Well its small and fresh now but its gonna get big quick i think ;). And EA is neat :P

  5. Wow jaime trop celui la (: Si paisible..
    Tu as bien reussit les jeux d'ombres sur le chien, on sent bien les volumes sans perdre la texture. ca serait nice que tu post un close-up de tes deux petits persos!

    Ca va etre trop maladeee, jai vraiment hate de commencer la job aussi! Sauf que moi je rentre apres mon voyage en NouvelleZelande, cest a dire en aout. Jespere que je serai pas completement out of the loop;; Ca me fait peurrr.

  6. Ah ben noooon au pire je vais etre la pour te mettre a jour :)! No fear! Faut pas te stresser, ca va te faire du bien de passer du temps ak ton copain :)! En nouvelle zelande en plus, chanceuse ;P
